На фото Ваславский Ян Ильич

Ваславский Ян Ильич

Vaslavskiy Yan Ilich
Преподаватель Кафедры сравнительной политологии МГИМО (У) МИД России; родился 3 марта 1983 года в городе Набережные Челны (тогда - Брежнев) Татарской АССР; в 2004 году с отличием окончил Московский государственный лингвистический университет по специальности "Международные отношения", во время обучения принимал участие в различных научно-практических конференциях и семинарах; в 2001 г. стал победителем конкурса научных работ "XXI век: место и роль России в международном сообществе", проводившегося РАМИ. В 2007 году защитил диссертацию на соискание ученой степени кандидата политических наук, факультет политологии МГИМО (У) МИД РФ, тема работы: "Конституционное оформление и развитие современных институтов и практик демократического правления (сравнительный анализ). Преподаватель кафедры сравнительной политологии МГИМО с 2007 г. Разработал ряд учебных курсов для студентов факультета политологии МГИМО. Участвует в проекте "Политический атлас современности" в качестве координатора. Владеет английским, французским и итальянским языками. Основные научные интересы: конституционализм, эмпирические исследования голосований, федерализм, методика сравнительного и многомерного статистического анализа. Yan Vaslavskiy Date of birth: 1983/03/03 Place of birth: Naberezhnye Chelny, Russia Scientific degree: PhD, Political Science E-mail: vaslavsky@yandex.ru Education: Moscow State Linguistic University, graduated with honor in 2004. Academic appointments: Senior Lecturer, Chair of Political Theory, Faculty of Political Science, MGIMO University (Moscow, Russia). Administrative appointments: * Deputy Head of the Executive Directorate of Global Policy Forum Teaching experience: from 2005. Currently conducts lectures and seminars in: * Theories of politics (main chair course); * Political science (special course for IR Department of MGIMO-University); * E-Government and E-Governance (own course); * Oil factor in the world politics and economy (own course); * Constitutions of the nations of the world (own course); * Empirical research of voting in the UN General Assembly (own course). Earlier: * Comparative politics (main chair course; at the Chair of Comparative Politics); * Political geography (together with Prof. I. M. Busygina); * Regional political research (together with Prof. I. M. Busygina). * Visiting fellow: University of Messina (Italy), July 2007. * Visiting researcher: JFK School of Government, Harvard University, October 2008. Grants and Awards: * 2001, Winner of scientific publications contest, Russian International Studies Association. Publications Articles: 1. Universal comparisons with the use of quantitative methods of analysis: a survey of precedents. - Polis. - 2006, No. 5. (Co-authors: M. Mironyuk, I. Timofeev); 2. Structure and logic of index building in the project "Political Atlas of the Modern World". - Political Science. - 2007, No. 3. (Co-authors: M. Ilyin, M. Mironyuk, E. Meleshkina, I. Timofeev); 3. Analysis of political processes and constitutional procedures for the building of complex indices (on the example of the Index of institutional basis of democracy in the project "Political Atlas of the Modern World"). - Political Science. - 2007, No. 3; 4. Political and economic system. Ensuring the economic security of Russia // Siberian Region, Central Asia and foreign countries: energy co-operation. - Moscow: East Brook, 2006; 5. Bearers of sovereignty: analysis of constitutional documents // Collected articles of the Chair of Comparative Politics, MGIMO University. - M.: MGIMO, 2007. 6. Constitutional reforms and political regimes. - Political Science. - 2008, No. 4; Books: 1. Political Atlas of the Modern World. - Moscow: MGIMO, 2007 (Co-authors: A. Melville, M. Ilyin, E. Meleshkina, M. Mironyuk, Y. Polunin, I. Timofeev). 2. Constitutional Conditions for Democracy: Comparative Analysis. - Moscow: MGIMO, 2008. 3. How to measure and compare levels of democratic development in different countries? - Moscow: MGIMO, 2008 (Co-authors: A. Melville, M. Ilyin, E. Meleshkina, M. Mironyuk, I. Timofeev, O. Kharitonova, Yu. Polunin). 4. Potential of international influence and efficiency of the Russian foreign policy in 2008 - early 2009. - Moscow: MGIMO, 2009 (Co-authors: A. Melville, N. Astashin, M. Ilyin, B. Makarenko, E. Meleshkina, M. Mironyuk, A. Nikitin, v. Sergeev, I. Timofeev). Articles and commentaries in the media: 1. History and geography. Silence, harmonious chorus, and the diversity of voices. - NG-Sceneries. - 2007. - September 25. 2. Avtovaz mass layoffs could bankrupt entire city (commentary for a TV report). - Russia Today TV Channel. - 2009. - October 17. 3. Commentary on FIAT and Sollers joint enterprise project. - Expert TV. - 2010. - February 9. Working papers and work in progress: * Political Atlas of the Modern World (English edition). To be published in 2010. (Co-authors: A. Melville, M. Ilyin, E. Meleshkina, M. Mironyuk, Y. Polunin, I. Timofeev). * Political Atlas of the Modern World: Encyclopedia of Political Systems of Contemporary Nation-States (8-10 volumes, to be published in 2010-2011, co-authours: A. Melville, M. Ilyin, E. Meleshkina, M. Mironyuk, Y. Polunin, I. Timofeev); * Changes in Individual Membership of Legislatures during the Evolution of Electoral Systems in Russia, Central and Eastern Europe in the Post-Communist Period (to be published in 2010-2011, together with prof. O.v. Gaman-Golutvina). Invited Seminars / Conferences: * "Federalism and Ethnic diversity in the Russian Federation" with a report on the role of constitutional guarantees for democratic procedures in diverse societies. Moscow, Russia, 2008. * "Security, Sovereignty, and Justice" with a report on non- and partially recognized states and territories. IPSA RC 37 workshop. Dhaka, Bangladesh, January 2010. * Global Policy Forum. Yaroslavl, Russia, October 2010. Professional organizations membership: * International Political Science Association (IPSA), from 2008. Russian representative in IPSA Research Committee #37 "Rethinking Political Development". * Russian Political Science Association, from 2010. Member of the Board. Spheres of scientific interest: * e-government and e-governance; * governance and government decision-making; * oil and other resource factors in the world politics and economy; * constitutionalism; * institutional design; * federalism; * empirical research of voting in legislatures and UN General Assembly; * methodology of comparative and multidimensional statistical analysis. Languages spoken: Russian (native), English, French, Italian. Экспертные комментарии 14.03.11 ` Портал МГИМО "Лучшего места для проведения конференции на данную тему представить было невозможно" 14.01.10 ` Портал МГИМО Emerging Nations: Russian Comparative Perspective on Problems of Sovereignty and New Forms of Stateness in Kosovo, Abkhazia, and South Ossetia