На фото Красногоров Валентин Самуилович

Красногоров Валентин Самуилович

Krasnogorov Valentin Samuilovich
Российский драматург и писатель; родился 20 декабря 1934 г. в г. Ленинграде; отец был инженер-электрик, мать - учительница; в 1956 г. закончил Таллиннский политехнический институт; в 1964 г. защитил кандидатскую диссертацию; в 1974 г. - докторскую по специальности "Химическая технология топлива"; автор нескольких монографий и свыше 100 статей по химической технологии; с 1961 по 1991 гг. работал в Ленинградском инженерно-экономическом институте (ассистент, доцент, профессор, ведущий научный сотрудник); с 1991 по 1998 г. в Технионе - Израильском политехническом университете (Хайфа); с 1991 по 2005 г. проживал в Израиле; с 1998 по 2003 г. был заместителем мэра Хайфы; член Союза писателей и Союза театральных деятелей России; его биография включена в престижные справочники мира: "Marquis Who`s Who in the World" (США), "International Who`s Who of the Intellectuals" (Англия, Кембридж) и др.; драматургией начал заниматься с 1976 г.; Пьесы "Комната невесты", "Кто-то должен уйти", "Рыцарские страсти", "Прелести измены", "Любовь до потери памяти", "У каждого своя звезда", "Сейчас или никогда (Шествие гномов)", "Давай займемся сексом!", "Свидания по средам", "Фуршет после премьеры" и другие, тепло встречены критикой и зрителями; его перу принадлежат свыше 30 пьес, поставленные более чем в 200 театрах России и многих зарубежных стран; над постановками его пьес работали такие выдающиеся режиссеры, как Георгий Товстоногов, Лев Додин, Роман Виктюк, Владимир Андреев; книга писателя "Четыре стены и одна страсть" о поэтике драмы как рода литературы заслужила высокую оценку деятелей театра; В.С. Красногоров выступает также как прозаик и публицист, автор книг, повестей, рассказов и эссе, опубликованных в различных изданиях; женат, двое сыновей; непрофессиональные увлечения - искусство и путешествия. _________________________________________________________________________________ Valentin Krasnogorov Was born in 1934 in Leningrad (now St. Petersburg), Russia. His first passion was chemistry. He graduated from the Tallinn Polytechnic University in 1956, received his PhD in Chemistry in 1964, and was finally awarded the highest Russian academic degree of "Doctor of Sciences" in the field of chemical engineering in 1974. His is the author of 4 books and of more than a 100 papers in this field (see http://tx.technion.ac.il/~merghvf/CV_last_short.htm ). Valentin Krasnogorov wrote his first play in 1972, which was staged in Leningrad four years later. By now, Krasnogorov`s name is well known to the Russian theater-goers. His plays - LET`S HAVE SEX!, THE DOG, SMALL TRAGEDIES, THE DELIGHTS OF ADULTERY, SOMEBODY MUST LEAVE, NOW OR NEVER, LOVE MEDICINE, SEVERAL HOURS FROM THE LIFE OF A MAN AND A WOMAN, THIS WEAK TENDER SEX, BRIDE`S ROOM, THE CRUEL LESSON, RENDEZVOUS ON WEDNESDAYS, THE LOVE TILL LOSS OF MEMORY, and others are warmly met by critics and audience. His 25 plays have been performed in more than 200 theaters. For several years he was the president of the St. Petersburg Playwrights Association. Many famous Russian theater directors, such as Georgiy Tovstonogov, Lev Dodin, Roman Viktyuk, et. al. staged his plays. The creative dramatic skills of the author span a wide arc, as he demonstrated a superb mastery of many kinds of plays. Biting satire, a keen sense of humor both grotesque and absurd, lyricism, and a knowledge of the human heart - these are the main features of Krasnogorov`s theatre pieces. The tensions and conflicts of his plays are set off by his style of lively and easy dialogue, dynamics, and intensive action. The author uses paradoxical situations and unusual plots to involve readers and audiences in the worlds created by his imagination. Krasnogorov`s plays figure in the permanent repertoires of many theatres and some have been staged several hundred times. They are enthusiastically received by audiences. Critics have noted that "Krasnogorov`s plays easily cross borders". For this reason, many of them have been translated into foreign languages and staged in theatres, on radio and on TV of many different countries: Armenia, Australia, Bulgaria, Czechia, Estonia, Germany, India, Montenegro, Kazakhstan, Buelorussia, Moldova, Poland, Rumania, Ukraine, USA, et al. Some plays of him were played at foreign festivals and won prizes, including the Prize of Spectators and the Prize for the best dramatic skill. Krasnogorov is the author of a book on drama composition "FOUR WALLS AND ONE PASSION", which won a high appraisal of many theater directors and theater students. He also wrote two books, which became bestsellers in Russia: "SIMILAR TO LIGHTNINGS" (about explosives) and "JUSTUS LIEBIG" (a biography of the great German chemist). In the years of the Soviet regime V. Krasnogorov wrote a book about Soviet censorship, which was published and distributed underground. Since 1991 till 2006 he lived in Israel and did not write plays. In 1998 he was elected as Vice-Mayor of Haifa, one of the largest cities of Israel. He was a member of the Haifa City council till 2007. Now he lives in St.Petersburg and writes plays again. V. Krasnogorov is a member of the Writers Union of Russia; member of the Russian Union of the Theater Workers; member of the Israel Federation of Writers Unions. His biopraghy is included in the dictionaries "Marquis Who`s Who in the World", USA, "International Who`s Who of Intellectuals", England, CamBridge, et. al. He is married and father of two sons. His hobbies are travels and the art.